SmartVest Blog

Two older women sitting together on a couch
Mar 10, 2022
How SmartVest Helps Me Manage Bronchiectasis

Living with bronchiectasis can sometimes feel like you’re putting your life on pause. Too often, chronic symptoms can interfere with our quality of life—not to mention the time we want to spend with friends, family, and pursuing our passions. The good news is, bronchiectasis doesn’t have to hold you back from experiencing life’s precious moments […]

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A medley of fresh fruits and vegetables
Feb 10, 2022
What Foods Help Reduce Mucus in the Lungs?

Consuming foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and key nutrients, such as protein and fiber, allow our bodies to perform the essential tasks we depend on each day. One such task is breathing.  But did you know that certain foods can actually make breathing more difficult [1]? Oxygen and Food Oxygen plays an important […]

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Top 10 SmartVest blogs of 2021.
Jan 13, 2022
Top 10 SmartVest Posts of 2021

For some, the start of a New Year is sometimes met with a mix of emotions. Though you’re eager to see what new adventures lie ahead, you’re also thinking about how these new changes will impact your quality of life.  If you’re living with bronchiectasis or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), for example, you may […]

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A woman covers her face with a scarf while outside in the winter
Jan 04, 2022
Can Cold Air Cause Cough & Chest Pain?

Winter is approaching…actually for many living in the Midwest, it’s already here! Though some of us look forward to the cozy nights in, with hot cocoa in hand in front of a warm fireplace, if you’re living with a chronic lung condition like bronchiectasis or COPD, your joy of the season may be mixed with […]

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An older couple holds hands while walking outdoors
Dec 10, 2021
Why I Use SmartVest for Airway Clearance

All over the country, thousands of individuals continue to benefit from using the SmartVest Airway Clearance System.  SmartVest is a high frequency chest oscillation (HFCWO) therapy device that works to provide symptom relief for patients living with a chronic lung condition. When used daily, and as part of your bronchiectasis or COPD treatment plan, SmartVest […]

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An older couple sits on their sofa while drinking coffee together
Nov 03, 2021
How To Use Your SmartVest at Home

Starting a new treatment plan for a lung condition is sometimes met with hesitation. This is especially true if it’s your first time using vest therapy to manage symptoms of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), bronchiectasis, or both. From setting up and learning how to use your new device to performing each therapy session and […]

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Meet Mike and Lori at Electromed.
Oct 27, 2021
Meet Your Electromed Patient Care Advocates

Providing patients with lifetime support for a chronic lung condition is just one of the many responsibilities we take close to heart. In fact, even before you begin your SmartVest journey, you’ll receive product support and education. We do this to ensure that both you and your healthcare team feel confident adding The SmartVest Airway […]

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A couple uses a tablet to examine an x-ray of a torso
Sep 14, 2021
Is Bronchiectasis Related to Cystic Fibrosis?

In a previous blog, we discussed the different types of bronchiectasis: cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (CFB) and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB). Both conditions affect the lungs, making it difficult to breathe, clear mucus, and prevent the onset of respiratory infection.  When you consider each condition independently, it becomes easier to understand how they vary. CFB, for […]

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A couple meets with a professional
Sep 08, 2021
What Is Your COPD Action Plan?

Though we can’t predict what happens tomorrow, we can try to prepare ourselves for the unexpected by planning ahead. This is especially true if you’re living with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).    According to the American Lung Association, creating an action plan with your healthcare team is one of the most important steps in […]

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A woman looks out a window
Aug 17, 2021
3 Exercises to Help You Breathe Easier

Short on breath? Living with a chronic lung condition can make your breathing feel constricted—especially during extreme weather changes that cause dryness (i.e., winter) or higher levels of humidity/allergens (i.e., spring and summer). To handle these common temperature fluctuations and keep your lungs filled with fresh—not stale—air, exercise is key. But let’s not limit our […]

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