SmartVest Blog

Alcohol and Bronchiectasis
Jul 18, 2024
Alcohol and Bronchiectasis: What You Need to Know

Alcohol and Bronchiectasis: Is There a Risk? Whether it’s a glass of wine, a pint of beer, or a tumbler of your favorite whiskey, drinking alcohol is often a staple at social gatherings and something most people enjoy doing to help relax. Many of us are aware of the health concerns surrounding excessive alcohol use, […]

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A man inhales deeply through his nose while outdoors
Jun 28, 2024
Bronchiectasis and Asthma: Is There a Higher Chance of Comorbidity?

Bronchiectasis and asthma are two distinct respiratory conditions, but recent studies have shown a higher prevalence of bronchiectasis symptoms in patients with severe asthma.1 Known as asthma-bronchiectasis overlap syndrome (ABOS), ABOS is becoming increasingly recognized by healthcare professionals as a complex condition that can be challenging to diagnose. As a result, patients may not receive […]

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Older man stretching his arms and back for good posture.
Jun 11, 2024
How Posture Can Support Airway Clearance

Did you know how we sit, stand, and even sleep affects our breathing? If you have a respiratory condition, you may not realize that your posture can limit your lung’s ability to inhale and exhale comfortably. The reason? Research shows that a person’s posture (particularly the head and neck positioning) can significantly impact the diaphragm’s […]

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Doctor showing patient X-ray of lungs.
Jun 06, 2024
Obstructive vs. Restrictive Lung Disease: What’s The Difference?

Chronic lung diseases like bronchiectasis and cystic fibrosis cause irreversible damage to the lungs and airways, making it difficult to breathe and break up mucus buildup. Other respiratory conditions, like asthma, force the airways to narrow due to swelling (i.e., inflammation), causing the muscles around the airways to tighten. As a result, breathing feels more […]

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Blog roll graphic for bronchiectasis airway clearance techniques.
May 28, 2024
5 Bronchiectasis Airway Clearance Techniques

Coughing may seem like a nuisance, but it’s the body’s way of protecting us from airborne irritants that enter the lungs.¹ When your lungs lose their ability to mobilize and clear mucus, it leaves the body open to possible infection and damage to your airways. If you’re living with a chronic lung condition like bronchiectasis, […]

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Woman looking at article on tablet about cystic fibrosis vs pulmonary fibrosis.
May 07, 2024
Cystic Fibrosis vs. Pulmonary Fibrosis

Cystic Fibrosis and Pulmonary Fibrosis may sound similar, but they’re actually quite different. Both conditions include the term “fibrosis,” which means thickening or scarring tissue, and each one can affect a person’s lungs and airways, making breathing more difficult.¹ However, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary fibrosis are distinct conditions with individual causes, symptoms, and treatments. In […]

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Man holding chest after experiencing a flare up.
Apr 30, 2024
What Is a Flare Up?

Flare-ups and acute exacerbations—what exactly do these terms mean? Suppose you or a loved one has a chronic lung condition like bronchiectasis or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease). In that case, you may have heard your clinician use these terms interchangeably, or maybe you’ve required hospitalization because of them. But what is a flare-up? More […]

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Hands held over the chest of a person
Apr 25, 2024
What Is Chest Physiotherapy?

Chest Physiotherapy (CPT) is an airway clearance technique that typically involves the assistance of another individual (e.g., caregiver, trained family member, or respiratory therapist) to manually perform chest percussion on a patient’s chest wall. Chest percussion is defined as manually clapping on a person’s chest wall in an effort to break up mucus and prevent […]

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Bronchiectasis complications blog roll image
Apr 16, 2024
Bronchiectasis Complications

Bronchiectasis is a chronic lung condition often overshadowed by more well-known respiratory diseases like asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Yet, if not correctly diagnosed and treated, bronchiectasis can result in a cascade of serious complications that can significantly affect your patient’s quality of life. What’s at Risk? When the bronchial tubes in the […]

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Woman with bronchiectasis experiencing morning cough.
Apr 02, 2024
Morning Cough: Causes and Home Remedies

Do you have a persistent cough that only happens in the morning? If so, you’re not alone. A morning cough usually occurs when you first wake up. It can either be dry or wet. While it may be a normal reaction to an irritant in your respiratory system, such as allergies or post-nasal drip, if […]

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