SmartVest Blog

A woman drinking a glass of water
Aug 10, 2021
Hydration Tips for People Living with COPD

Staying regularly hydrated plays an important role in fighting infection, supplying nutrients to the body, and keeping organs functioning properly. [1] Water also regulates the body’s temperature [2] and will replenish any fluids you lose from urinating, sweating, or excessive exercising. There is no doubt that water is essential to our health and wellness, but […]

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A doctor presses their stethoscope to the chest of a patient
Jul 01, 2021
Everything You Need to Know About Cilia in the Lungs

Every time we take a breath, air enters our lungs and oxygen from the air moves from our lungs to our blood. Though each part of your respiratory system is essential, there is one area that may be overlooked. In this article, we’ll focus on the importance of cilia, tiny hair-like structures that help prevent […]

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A woman holds out 1 lb weights with straight arms
Jun 16, 2021
Can You Exercise When You Have Bronchiectasis?

Staying healthy has been at the top of everyone’s mind this past year. And many of us already know that the path to healthy living, especially as we age, is keeping active in our daily routine.   As we get older, our bodies depend on us to engage in physical exercise to help build muscle mass […]

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A woman adjusts the settings of her SmartVest generator
Jun 10, 2021
More Release. Less Squeeze. SmartVest Airway Clearance Therapy

Starting a new airway clearance therapy is often met with questions, especially if this is your first respiratory vest or if you’ve had previous experiences with other brands. You may be wondering: Will therapy help me breathe easier? What if I feel uncomfortable in my vest? How long will I have to perform each session? […]

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Leonard Nimoy
Apr 27, 2021
“Remembering Leonard Nimoy” A Daughter’s Tribute to Her Father

Many of us may know a friend or loved one living with COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease)—a serious lung condition that affects more than 16.4 million Americans[1]. Though more research is being conducted on the causes and treatments of this disease, COPD is still the third leading cause of death in the United States[2]. COPD […]

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A person cleans their counters
Apr 21, 2021
Avoiding Air Pollutants Indoors

When you’re living with a chronic lung condition, such as cystic fibrosis, COPD, or bronchiectasis, certain particles in the air, whether natural or artificial, may trigger a worsening of symptoms. In this article, we’ll review the different types of air pollutants that can irritate your lungs. Next, we’ll share tips on how to avoid these […]

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Man with chronic lung condition breathing in air without experiencing breathlessness.
Mar 09, 2021
Managing Breathlessness

We all experience breathlessness for different reasons: playing tag with our grandchildren, working out at the local gym, or even going for a walk on a humid, 90-degree day can cause anyone to feel out of breath. Shortness of breath is not only an uncomfortable experience, but it’s also an unsettling one. If you’re living […]

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A doctor speaks with her client
Mar 05, 2021
How Is COPD Diagnosed?

  If you’re experiencing shortness of breath, fatigue, or chronic cough, it might be time to speak to your doctor about getting tested for COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).   COPD is a serious lung condition that a person can develop from long-term exposure to tobacco smoke, chemicals, fumes, and other harmful pollutants, including ammonia […]

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A doctor hands a prescription to a patient
Feb 23, 2021
Prescribing Effective Airway Clearance Just Got Easier

Hospital administrations are feeling the pressure to reduce readmissions of patients experiencing frequent exacerbations of their chronic lung condition, like bronchiectasis or COPD.  Similarly, clinicians all over the country are challenged with finding the most effective treatment option to help patients so they can experience symptom relief and get back to living a healthy, active […]

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Patient with Cystic Fibrosis.
Feb 18, 2021
Understanding Cystic Fibrosis: Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment

Cystic fibrosis (CF), unlike chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or bronchiectasis, is a genetic condition that affects more than 30,000 people in the United States.[1] According to the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, “People with CF have inherited two copies of the defective CF gene—one copy from each parent. Both parents must have at least one copy […]

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