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Bronchiectasis Resources

Pulmonary doctor looking at x-ray of patient's chest wall.
Oct 12, 2023
Should You See a Pulmonary Doctor?

Do you have a persistent cough? Are you often short of breath or feel tightness in your chest? These symptoms are more than a nuisance; they may be an early sign of a serious lung condition.  If you’re experiencing a decreased quality of life due to frequent lung issues, consulting a pulmonary doctor is a […]

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Female clinician writing prescription as part of patient's bronchiectasis treatment.
Apr 18, 2023
5 Steps for Evaluating a Bronchiectasis Treatment Plan

You want the best care possible for your patients, but providing a better quality of care is more than prescribing medication. It’s about ensuring the treatment is effective and appropriate in achieving a successful patient outcome and quality of life. Suppose your patients are struggling to manage bronchiectasis-related symptoms. In that case, it may be […]

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Man in bathrobe experiencing bronchiectasis flare up.
Feb 01, 2023
Bronchiectasis Flare Up: What To Expect

  Flare-ups (also known as exacerbations) occur when symptoms of a chronic disease suddenly worsen. Bronchiectasis, for example, is a lung condition that triggers inflammation and infection in the airways due to mucus buildup.   With each onset of infection, the airways become abnormally widened, making breathing more difficult. Simultaneously, your lungs lose the ability […]

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An older man sitting on couch while coughing from post nasal drip.
Dec 20, 2022
Can Post Nasal Drip Worsen Bronchiectasis Symptoms?

The human body produces mucus every day [1], and more often than not, it works quietly behind the scenes, so it remains unnoticed and we can go about our day.  However, whenever there is a change in temperature or humidity levels, you may start to feel irritation develop in the back of your throat and […]

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A red mug of coffee
Jun 21, 2022
How Does Coffee Affect People with a Chronic Lung Condition?

Do you enjoy starting each morning with a hot cup of coffee? Or maybe you l like ending a long day with a bite of dark chocolate. If caffeine is a normal part of your routine, then you are one of the 80% of Americans who consume caffeine on a daily basis [1]!  In moderation, […]

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A man coughs while his wife comforts him on a couch
Apr 19, 2022
How Did I Get Bronchiectasis?

Receiving a medical diagnosis can often feel like a double-edged sword. On the one side, you’re relieved to finally put a name to the type of symptoms you’ve been experiencing and can start the next step of finding the right treatment to manage your condition. On the other side, it’s now confirmed and can leave […]

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Top 10 SmartVest blogs of 2021.
Jan 13, 2022
Top 10 SmartVest Posts of 2021

For some, the start of a New Year is sometimes met with a mix of emotions. Though you’re eager to see what new adventures lie ahead, you’re also thinking about how these new changes will impact your quality of life.  If you’re living with bronchiectasis or COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), for example, you may […]

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A couple uses a tablet to examine an x-ray of a torso
Sep 14, 2021
Is Bronchiectasis Related to Cystic Fibrosis?

In a previous blog, we discussed the different types of bronchiectasis: cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (CFB) and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis (NCFB). Both conditions affect the lungs, making it difficult to breathe, clear mucus, and prevent the onset of respiratory infection.  When you consider each condition independently, it becomes easier to understand how they vary. CFB, for […]

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A woman holds out 1 lb weights with straight arms
Jun 16, 2021
Can You Exercise When You Have Bronchiectasis?

Staying healthy has been at the top of everyone’s mind this past year. And many of us already know that the path to healthy living, especially as we age, is keeping active in our daily routine.   As we get older, our bodies depend on us to engage in physical exercise to help build muscle mass […]

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The top ten blog posts of 2020
Jan 18, 2021
Top 10 SmartVest Blog Posts

For many of us, 2020 has been a challenging year. But as with any obstacle, people all over the country continue to persevere and work together to help those who may be at greater risk of complications due to the recent pandemic.  As we gear up for the New Year ahead, we wanted to share […]

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