SmartVest Blog

Airway Clearance

A couple discusses a topic while walking outdoors
Nov 14, 2019
How is Bronchiectasis Diagnosed?

Are your patients coming to you with complaints of shortness of breath, chronic cough, or chest pain? Symptoms that look like COPD or asthma may actually be early signs of bronchiectasis, a serious lung disease that irreversibly damages a patient’s airways through recurring inflammation and infection.  To properly diagnose your patients with bronchiectasis, you’ll first […]

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healthy lifestyle with bronchiectasis, bronchiectasis lifestyle
Mar 19, 2019
Outsmarting Bronchiectasis at Any Age

When a person’s airways are repeatedly damaged due to a chronic lung condition, the lungs slowly lose their ability to clear mucus. This leaves the body more susceptible to respiratory infections, resulting in a worsening of symptoms if not treated properly.   Chronic lung conditions like bronchiectasis (brong-kee-EK-tuh-sis) or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, better known […]

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A doctor holds their stethoscope while working on a laptop
Feb 14, 2019
Are You Prescribing an Effective Airway Clearance Solution?

Are any of your patients living with bronchiectasis? Are they experiencing regular flare ups of symptoms, including chronic cough, fatigue, and lower respiratory infections? If so, your patients may be spending more time in the hospital and less time enjoying a healthy, active lifestyle.     Common Signs and Symptoms of Bronchiectasis: Are your patients […]

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A man relaxes with a newspaper during his SmartVest therapy
Feb 06, 2019
Treating Your COPD Symptoms with HFCWO Therapy

Most of us are familiar with the acronym COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Used as an umbrella term to describe progressive lung diseases including emphysema, chronic bronchitis, and refractory asthma, COPD can occur from smoking, certain environmental factors, or an individual’s genetic makeup.1 Common symptoms of COPD include shortness of breath, wheezing, tightness in your […]

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A sparkler sending sparks flying
Jan 03, 2019
Make HFCWO Therapy Your New Year’s Resolution

2020 is finally here, and if you’ve spent the past year struggling with frequent cough, shortness of breath, and recurring respiratory infections, then it may be time to reevaluate your airway clearance therapy.     Living with Impaired Airway Clearance: What do COPD, cystic fibrosis, bronchiectasis, and other chronic lung diseases have in common? These […]

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A doctor points to the SmartVest site on their laptop
Sep 18, 2018
Common Misconceptions About HFCWO Therapy

High frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) therapy is an effective approach to managing bronchiectasis and other chronic pulmonary conditions, such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and cystic fibrosis. As annual bronchiectasis incidence (i.e. the number of patients newly diagnosed with bronchiectasis) increases, common misconceptions surrounding its treatment may prevent patients from choosing the most […]

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