SmartVest Blog

Airway Clearance

Woman feeling her throat muscles as she begins huff coughing after airway clearance therapy.
Jan 03, 2023
Using Huff Cough with Airway Clearance

“Huff cough” is a popular coughing exercise that works to remove phlegm from the airways. This technique is typically performed in combination with airway clearance therapy to help loosen the mucus, so it becomes easier to cough out. In fact, all forms of airway clearance rely on good coughs to prevent mucus buildup [1]. However, […]

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A man coughs while holding a glass of water
Sep 16, 2022
Is My Cough Chronic or Acute?

Did you know that when we cough, our bodies are working hard to protect our lungs and airways?  Though most of us would rather avoid coughing entirely—especially during a presentation, a yoga class, or at night when we’re trying to fall asleep—it’s important to remember that coughing is a natural reflex. In fact, we depend […]

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A doctor resting thier hands on a desk
Aug 16, 2022
What Is a Bronchoscopy Procedure?

If you regularly follow our blog, then you already know there are different methods that allow your clinician to diagnose a chronic lung condition. A high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scan, for instance, is used to detect damage to the lungs and airways caused by bronchiectasis, while a regular CT scan or chest x-ray may be […]

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A couple looks through their SmartVest patient packet
Jul 07, 2022
Is an Airway Clearance Vest Right for You?

Is a chronic lung condition keeping you from living life independently? High frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) is an airway clearance technique that’s typically performed using an inflatable vest and air pulse generator. HFCWO therapy with the SmartVest Airway Clearance System delivers repeated pulses of air that gently squeeze and release the upper chest wall. […]

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A woman reads her tablet during her SmartVest session
Jun 14, 2022
New Study Shows HFCWO Therapy Reduces Healthcare Resource Utilization

In an independent, retrospective cohort analysis [1], data was collected and analyzed to assess the efficacy of high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) on Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis (NCFB) patients—before and after usage. Insurance claims data assessed key measures such as hospitalizations, treated pneumonia, and medication usage. Following the introduction of HFCWO vest therapy, the study […]

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A woman connects her SmartVest generator to her vest
Mar 22, 2022
Benefits of Airway Clearance Devices & Techniques

New to airway clearance? Living with a chronic lung condition, like bronchiectasis (brong-kee-EK-tuh-sis), makes breathing feel constricted. Though your clinician may prescribe different types of treatment to help you manage your symptoms—such as antibiotics or mucus-thinning medications [1]—airway clearance works to help treat the underlying cause of your chronic symptoms (i.e., mucus buildup).  When mucus […]

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A medley of fresh fruits and vegetables
Feb 10, 2022
What Foods Help Reduce Mucus in the Lungs?

Consuming foods that are high in vitamins, minerals, and key nutrients, such as protein and fiber, allow our bodies to perform the essential tasks we depend on each day. One such task is breathing.  But did you know that certain foods can actually make breathing more difficult [1]? Oxygen and Food Oxygen plays an important […]

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A woman covers her face with a scarf while outside in the winter
Jan 04, 2022
Can Cold Air Cause Cough & Chest Pain?

Winter is approaching…actually for many living in the Midwest, it’s already here! Though some of us look forward to the cozy nights in, with hot cocoa in hand in front of a warm fireplace, if you’re living with a chronic lung condition like bronchiectasis or COPD, your joy of the season may be mixed with […]

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A woman looks out a window
Aug 17, 2021
3 Exercises to Help You Breathe Easier

Short on breath? Living with a chronic lung condition can make your breathing feel constricted—especially during extreme weather changes that cause dryness (i.e., winter) or higher levels of humidity/allergens (i.e., spring and summer). To handle these common temperature fluctuations and keep your lungs filled with fresh—not stale—air, exercise is key. But let’s not limit our […]

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A doctor presses their stethoscope to the chest of a patient
Jul 01, 2021
Everything You Need to Know About Cilia in the Lungs

Every time we take a breath, air enters our lungs and oxygen from the air moves from our lungs to our blood. Though each part of your respiratory system is essential, there is one area that may be overlooked. In this article, we’ll focus on the importance of cilia, tiny hair-like structures that help prevent […]

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