Outsmart the Cycle of Chronic Lung Infections

The SmartVest Airway Clearance System has proven results that demonstrate its effectiveness in treating bronchiectasis and helping patients get proactive with their HFCWO therapy. Clinical evidence continues to grow to support HFCWO therapy and SmartVest, showing improved patient outcomes.

An outcomes-based case review study showing a 57% reduction in antibiotic prescriptions, 59% decrease in hospitalizations, 60% fewer emergency department visits, and 68% of participants who unreservedly reported a improvement in their quality of life.1

Demonstrated efficacy of SmartVest includes:
  • 57%decrease in antibiotic use1
  • 59%decrease in hospitalizations1
  • 60%decrease in emergency visits1
  • 68%reported improved quality of life1
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Reduce Healthcare Resource Utilization

An independent retrospective cohort analysis showed reduced healthcare resource utilization among non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis patients after introducing HFCWO therapy.2

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Patients that treat their bronchiectasis with SmartVest reduced...
  • Antibiotic prescriptions by
  • Hospitializations by

Patients who are compliant with their SmartVest treatment protocols may see a cost savings. Individual results may vary.

Sievert, CE et al. 2017. Cost-Effective Analysis of Using High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (HFCWO) in Patients with Non-Cystic Fibrosis Bronchiectasis. Respiratory Therapy, 12(1), 45-49.
Read the Study


What Makes SmartVest a Better Airway Clearance Therapy?

SmartVest squeezes less because it releases more air between compressions than other vests. And pressure release leads to a more comfortable therapy. As a result, people who use SmartVest are more likely to adhere to their therapy plan, which in turn gets them the best results possible so they can breathe easier and live better.

Over your lifetime, these lung diseases can weaken the airways, making it difficult for your body to naturally clear mucus on its own so it can prevent the spread of infection. This is where SmartVest could help and offer more BREATHING ROOM to help manage symptoms from your chronic lung condition.

On average, SmartVest releases 91% of it’s air between compressions, which creates more BREATHING ROOM – and comfort – for patients.3

That means SmartVest releases:

15% more air than The Vest® 3
21% more air than inCourage® 3
Patient Reported Outcomes

By The Numbers:

97% of patients report feeling better after using SmartVest*
  • 71%of patients report their quality of life stabilizing or improving with SmartVest*
  • 94%of patients recommend SmartVest*
Get Started

Take the Next Step

If shortness of breath, frequent cough, or chest pain is getting in the way of you enjoying life’s moments, you may be living with a chronic respiratory condition, such as COPD, cystic fibrosis, or bronchiectasis. Learn how SmartVest helps reduce the cycle of chronic respiratory inflammation and infection.

Request an informational packet to share with your doctor. Have questions now? Call our Patient Care Advocates, who are Respiratory Therapists, at (800) 462-1045 or schedule a time to chat and see if SmartVest could be the right option for you.

Clinical Evidence


Using HFCWO therapy shows a reduction in healthcare resource utilization.

Patient characteristics, healthcare resource utilization and outcomes among non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis patients with high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) therapy.


Use of SmartVest as part of a treatment algorithm significantly decreased exacerbations requiring hospitalization and antibiotic use among non-CF bronchiectasis patients.

Employment of an algorithm of care including chest physiotherapy results in reduced hospitalizations and stability of lung function in bronchiectasis.


Effectiveness was maintained for 2.5 years after the initiation of SmartVest treatment.

Incidence of bronchiectasis-related exacerbation rates after high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) treatment — a longitudinal outcome-based study.


Bronchiectasis patients saved in healthcare expenditures by using SmartVest.

The SmartVest non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis percussion vest cost analysis.


Bronchiectasis patients had a 57% reduction in antibiotics, 59% reduction in hospitalizations, and 60% fewer ED visits.

Using high frequency chest wall oscillation in a bronchiectasis patient population: an outcomes-based case review.

    1. Sievert C et al. Respiratory Therapy, Vol. 11 No 4, 34-38, 2016.
    2. DeKoven M et al.IQVIA PharMetrics Plus for MedTech. 2018–2019.
    3. Comparison of Oscillatory Trough Pressures Generated by High Frequency Chest Wall Oscillation (HFCWO) Systems: A White Paper.
    4. Sievert C et al. Respiratory Therapy, Vol. 13 No 2, 38-41, 2018.

      *Data on File