Understanding Insurance Coverage and Reimbursement Guidelines

Is SmartVest Covered by Insurance?

SmartVest is covered by private insurance, Medicare, state medical assistance, a combination of all three, or the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

Our goal is to make prescribing SmartVest easy by working directly with insurance providers.

In order for insurance to cover SmartVest, patients must have a documented failure of a standard airway clearance treatment, such as various breathing exercise techniques, to mobilize retained secretions.

Patients with bronchiectasis also require documentation of:

  • Daily productive cough for at least six months OR
  • Frequent exacerbations requiring antibiotic therapy (i.e. more than twice annually).
  • High-Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) scan confirming diagnosis of bronchiectasis.

We never want a financial situation to be a barrier for people who need SmartVest therapy. We offer financial assistance programs and will work with you to find a plan that best suits your situation.