SmartVest Users: A Clinician Perspective

The SmartVest Airway Clearance System has been proven to reduce exacerbations, improve patient outcomes, and has been used by healthcare professionals since 2000. Over the years, clinicians have shared with us their own success stories they have experienced with their patients.

"Patients like it, and it produces results", a quote from Dean Bleadorn, RRT, RCP“[My patients] couldn’t believe the difference it made in their lives. It’s easy to use, easy to transport, and very comfortable. I’ve seen how beneficial HFCWO is to just about anybody who needs airway clearance. I’ve actually had people call days later and cry because they had such wonderful results. Patients will say, ‘I slept all night for the first time in years,’ or, ‘I could walk to the mailbox. Patients are amazed.” -Leslie, Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT)

The SmartVest prescription process is simple for healthcare teams and patients with quick and helpful support. The SmartVest team coordinates the reimbursement process on the patients’ behalf and there is a group of customer support liaisons to assist with the documentation process. Support materials are also available to determine coverage requirements for high frequency chest wall oscillation (HFCWO) therapy.

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“As a Respiratory Therapist (RT), I highly recommend SmartVest for a combination of congestion and weak cough to assist in mobilizing.” -Sam, RT

In an independent outcome-based clinical study, presented at the third annual World Bronchiectasis Conference in Washington, D.C., early use of HFCWO therapy with SmartVest significantly reduced severe exacerbations and hospitalizations among non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis patients.

“We have used the SmartVest system for several years. It does a better and more efficient job than anything else we have used. I would recommend it to anyone.” Mike, healthcare professional

Not only has SmartVest been proven to deliver results, SmartVest SQL with wireless technology is the new way to manage one’s therapy. Created for patients and healthcare teams, SmartVest SQL with SmartVest Connect provides an easy way to stay connected, track therapy performance together, and collaborate in treatment decisions.

Jennifer on SmartVest Connect“The way the patients are going to keep doing their therapy is if they know what’s going on with themselves.” -Cheryl Torres, Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT)
See more from Cheryl.

The online portal gives access to up-to-the-minute use monitoring, a real-time SmartVest Score to make therapy fun, notes, and emoticon feeling ratings to update and track progress. It couldn’t be any easier, just plug it in!

“SmartVest Connect helps me tailor treatment to what my patients are truly doing. Allowing your care team to see how you use SmartVest helps make better treatment decisions.” -Jennifer, CPMP

Read more success stories or share your story about your experience using the SmartVest Airway Clearance System.