Meet Your Electromed Team: Susan Kasendorf, Customer Support Liaison

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At Electromed, we focus on helping patients improve their bronchiectasis-related symptoms, so they can get back to living well and enjoying all of life’s best moments. As we help patients manage their respiratory health, we also support clinicians and their teams throughout the entire prescription process.

When healthcare providers are ready to prescribe an effective airway clearance therapy with the SmartVest Airway Clearance System, it’s our mission to support them at every turn. And we achieve this with the help of our Customer Support Liaisons (CSL). Our dedicated CSLs represent Electromed’s dedicated point of internal contact for healthcare teams. Today, we want to introduce one of our CSLs, Susan (Sue) Kasendorf.

From helping healthcare providers process documentation and patient information, ensuring each patient’s SmartVest arrives home safely, to supporting Electromed’s team of clinical area managers, Sue and the rest of our CSL team always strive to make each step simple, convenient, and tailored to the overall health and wellness of patients.

electromed, smartvest, HFCWO therapy

Get to Know Sue Better!


Q: How long have you worked at Electromed? Why did you want to join its Customer Support Team?

Sue: I’ve been a part of the Electromed team for over six years. Prior to that, I worked in the healthcare industry for 15 years. When I was first introduced to the SmartVest device, I found it very intriguing and soon learned just how well it works in terms of helping patients breathe easier and manage their chronic lung condition.


Q: What benefits can a healthcare team expect from having a CSL as their dedicated point of contact?

Sue: Having a single point of contact is essential to receiving the most updated support and information to help patients relieve symptoms and feel their best. My goal as an Electromed CSL is to simplify the prescription process. When healthcare teams have questions, I encourage them to call me directly, and I walk them through the documentation process and answer their questions to ensure accuracy and ease. When providers have questions about ordering a new device for their patients, I want them to think of my name first and instantly know that I’m here to support them throughout the entire process.


electromed, smartvest, HFCWO therapyQ: What do you enjoy the most about working directly with healthcare teams?

Sue: I really enjoy getting to know my contact people at each clinic. In fact, I have quite a few of whom I’ve gotten to know personally. Many times, I get to know about their kids and families. I feel this helps build a better line of communication with them. They know I’m a real person who wants to help improve their patients’ quality of life. In this way, we’re both on the same team.

Q: What do you enjoy the most about supporting Electromed’s Clinical Area Managers?

Sue: My favorite part is getting to know clinical area managers on both a professional and personal level. Together, we’ve created a strong level of trust, and I think that’s why we work together so well. I can honestly say I have the greatest team of managers.

Q: What feedback have you received from clinicians about the benefits of working with Electromed?

Sue: I’ve heard time and again from our clinicians that our team is extremely easy to work with and that they appreciate the level of support we provide their internal teams, as well as their patients. Our goal is to always simplify the prescription process and get effective airway clearance therapy, via SmartVest, into the hands of each bronchiectasis patient. It helps knowing we’re changing lives with each respiratory vest we deliver and that our clinicians are feeling that impact as well.


Continue to check back to our blog page for more “Meet Our Electromed Team Member” spotlights. To learn more about how SmartVest works to help patients manage their bronchiectasis symptoms, request an informational packet today, or read recent clinical studies on its proven effectiveness.

If you’re a clinician looking to learn more about SmartVest, fill out our Clinician Support form and a CSL will get in touch with you.